Kannada Gaadegalu (Proverbs) – Android Application is a collection of famous kannada proverbs have been provided here. This is a small effort to increase wealth of knowledge of kannada literature and pass it on to the next generation of our Kannada People .
Kannada Proverbs are called as Gaade Maathugalu OR Gaade Maathu OR Nannudi in the kannada language. These Proverbs are used by native speakers of the Kannada language and mostly used in the life of the common people. Most of the village people use it in their daily usage of the life to specify any reference to the incidents of life. Gaadegalu are the sayings about life and people.
There are thousands of gaadegalu / Proverbs / Nannudi in Kannada language and its origins are probably as old as the language itself and no one has full collection of it. We can get some reference from the elder peoples, village peoples and now a days from the internet / websites / google. Even this Android Application is one of the collection of Kannada gaadegalu set.
Most of the Kannada proverbs will have a hidden meaning in their sentence which we need to match it to the situation of people / life. And these gadegalu will give a deeply penetrative insights about the society / people / life. it will be a valuable resource for the kannada literature to collect and share. Kannada has a rich set of proverbs which is inherent to our culture.

Here we have given the Android Application link of Famous Kannada Gaadegalu (proverbs) Collection App along with video link of the same.
Here given the link to download the android application kannada gaadegalu :