1.Difference between var let and const. ?
a. Var is hoisted in JS, let and const are not hoisted.
b. Let, const are block level, var is function level The candidate has to tell at least one of these apart from any other difference he tells.
2. What is a closure and how does it work
a. A closure is an inner function that has access to the outer (enclosing) function’s variables—scope chain.
A closure is an inner function that has access to the outer (enclosing) function’s variables—scope chain.
3. What is a JavaScript class
a. ES 6 standard introduced classes in JS, which internally use the prototypal approach to implement Class .
4. How does JS implement inheritance
a. JS uses prototypal inheritance in which objects inherit properties from other objects (or) JS uses prototypes to implement inheritance
5. What is the difference between == and === in JS
a. == checks only for the value, where === checks for both value and data type
6. What is the use of hasOwnProperty method in JS
a. This method returns true, only when the passed property is present directly on the object.
7. Explain call, apply and bind
a. Call and apply are used to invoke a method, by setting the context of ‘this’ keyword. Call takes comma separated individual parameters, and apply takes array of parameters as arguments
b. Bind method does the same operation as call and apply, but returns a new function definition instead of invoking the method
8. What is ‘arguments’ keyword in JS
a. Arguments is a special property in every function, that holds all the parameters passed to that function. Its an array-like object.
9. What is arrow function
a. Arrow function is introduced in ES 6 standard of JS, and does implicit binding of this property.
10. What are benefits of TypeScript
a. * TS provides type safety for the variables
Skills checked:
JS core – Intermediate / Advanced
- What is a closure and how it works in JavaScript
- What is a ‘hosting’ , How this works in JavaScript ?
- call, apply and bind with example
- Event bubbling and Event capturing
- event delegation
- prototypical inheritance / prototypical chain
- strict mode and usual mode
- What is EventLoop?
- Difference between var, let and const?
- What is a promise and how it works?
- What is a arrow function and its difference from function syntax?
- Generator and how it works
- JS modules, export and export default
- async/await
Angular – Intermediate / Advanced
- Virtual DOM concept.
- Subscribe, Observables and Promises.
- Different ways of data bindings.
- Sequence of Angular Lifecycle Hooks
- Routing
- Reactive Forms.
React JS and Redux – Novice / Intermediate
- Virtual DOM concept.
- Explain lifecycle of React component.
- Difference between state and props.
- Redux
- Role of reducer
HTML – Novice / Intermediate
- What is a Doctype?
- quirks mode and standart mode
- new features in html5
- Html storage Localstorage and sessionstorage
CSS – Novice
- Difference between adaptive and responsive design?
- What is a repaint and reflow?
- Media query.
- Layout Methodology.
- How browser search selector?
Networking – Intermediate
- What is REST?
- REST principles.
- Difference between POST and PUT requests
Design Patterns – Advanced
- Factory Patterns
- Singleton Patterns
Unit testing
- jasmine/karma
- Code review process and tools
- Webpack