Recruiter Screen Form
1. Can you name some HTML5 features/APIs?
Answer:- Here listed some of the HTML 5 features/API
• Media API
• Drag and Drop Feature
• Offline Cache
• Full screen API
• Link Prefetching
• New Input types like : date, datetime, email, number, tel etc…
• New Form elements like : datalist, keygen , output
• New Form Attributes like : autocomplete, min and max, placeholder, required etc..
2. What is a DOCTYPE!?
The declaration instructi the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in.
Before in HTML4 and prior, declaration refers to a specific DTD.
Whereas HTML 5 does not require a reference to a DTD so simply declared as .
3. What is the difference between alt, title and longdesc attributes of the image tag?
Alt tag specifies an alternate text for an image.
Title tag specifies offers to display information about the image when hovered.
Longdesc tag specifies the URL to a document that contains a long description of an image.
4. Do you understand what semantic markup is and do you follow it in your code?
Using semantic markup means that the (X)HTML code you use like tags and identifiers which describes the content and elements used should have a logical relationship to the data contained within them. Ex:
should be used for textual paragraphs,
- should be used for unordered lists, etc. and applying IDs such as #Navigation, #Header and #Content to your
1. What are some possible values for the CSS position declaration?
2. What is the default CSS position of any HTML object?
3. What are some possible values for the CSS display declaration?
4. What is the difference between display: none and visibility:
The display property specifies if/how an element is displayed, and the visibility property specifies if an element should be visible or hidden.
display: none hides an element and it will not take up any space. Whereas visibility: hidden hides an element, but it will still take up the same space as before.
5. What are some of the CSS3 pseudo classes/properties you have used?
Some ex: :nth-child(N) , :last-child, :enabled, :disabled, :only-child etc…
6. Any exposure to CSS preprocessors/frameworks?
Yes exposure to CSS preprocessors/frameworks using LESS.
1. Have you used Object Orient JavaScript concepts in your work? What is your understanding of OOJS?
Yes, have worked on OOJS concepts and have better understanding of OOJS.
2. Have you used prototype objects?
Yes, it allows adding properties and methods to an object.
3. What are closures?
Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables. In short, variables from the parent function of the closure remain bound from the parent’s scope.
Closures have access to the outer function’s variable even after the outer function returns
Closures store references to the outer function’s variables
4. Which design patterns have you used/familiar with?
Singleton, constructor, module design patterns etc..
5. Which JavaScript libraries/frameworks have you worked with
jQuery, YUI, Dojo etc…
6. Any exposure to Front End Architecture?
Yes, worked on front end design and development with little bit exposure to architecture.
7. What is your experience with templating?
Very good experience in designing templates for web template system.
8. Have you used or are familiar with JavaScript testing?
Yes familiar with JS testing.
Mobile Development
1. What is your experience in mobile and mobile solutions?
Yes, worked on mobile based solutions for one of the project.
2. Have you used media queries?
Yes, whenever worked on responsive templates, I have used media queries.
3. Have you worked on Responsive Design layouts?
Yes as explained above.
4. Any experience with libraries/frameworks?
Relevant to mobile development very little exposure with mobile libraries and frameworks but has knowledge.