DVG’s Manku Thimmana Kagga – Android Application is a collection of famous kannada kagga’s written by famous poet D V Gundappa. This is a small effort to increase wealth of knowledge of kannada kagga and pass it on to the next generation of our Kannada People .
Manku Thimmana Kagga are called as one of the best known of the major literary works in the kannada language. These Kagga are refeered as Bhagavad Gita of the Kannada language and mostly represents the life of the common people as a riddle. Most of the native kannada people use it in their daily usage of the life to specify any reference to the incidents of life.
There are 945 poems in DVG’s Manku Thimmana Kagga and some of them are in probably as old kannada language itself . Kagga contemplates on the meaning of the Ultimate Truth (reality) and advises us to lead a balanced life in this complex and ever-changing world. This Android Application is complete collection of DVG’s Manku Thimmana Kagga set.
Most of the Kagga will teaches us the secret of leading a balanced and harmonious life, emphasizing gentleness, humbleness, compassion on the one hand and strength on the other hand. and these Kagga’s will give a deeply penetrative insights about life. it will be a valuable resource for the kannada literature to collect and share. Kannada has a rich set of literature which is inherent to our culture.
Here we have given the Android Application link of Famous DVG’s Manku Thimmana Kagga
Here given the link to download the android application DVG’s Manku Thimmana Kagga : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kannada.mankuthimma